repos / ops

infra for pico services
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ops / monitoring / grafana / config / provisioning / alerting
Antonio Mika · 27 Jul 23


 1apiVersion: 1
 4  - orgId: 1
 5    name: Ping
 6    folder: Default
 7    interval: 60s
 8    rules:
 9      - id: 4
10        uid: ZbqmOnbVz
11        orgID: 1
12        folderUID: wLZWgnbVz
13        ruleGroup: Ping
14        title: Ping Status
15        condition: C
16        data:
17        - refId: A
18          queryType: ''
19          relativeTimeRange:
20            from: 600
21            to: 0
22          datasourceUid: PBFA97CFB590B2093
23          model:
24            editorMode: code
25            expr: probe_success{job=~"blackbox_exporter_ping.*"}
26            hide: false
27            intervalMs: 1000
28            legendFormat: __auto
29            maxDataPoints: 43200
30            range: true
31            refId: A
32        - refId: B
33          queryType: ''
34          relativeTimeRange:
35            from: 600
36            to: 0
37          datasourceUid: "-100"
38          model:
39            conditions:
40            - evaluator:
41                params: []
42                type: gt
43              operator:
44                type: and
45              query:
46                params:
47                - B
48              reducer:
49                params: []
50                type: last
51              type: query
52            datasource:
53              type: __expr__
54              uid: "-100"
55            expression: A
56            hide: false
57            intervalMs: 1000
58            maxDataPoints: 43200
59            reducer: last
60            refId: B
61            type: reduce
62        - refId: C
63          queryType: ''
64          relativeTimeRange:
65            from: 600
66            to: 0
67          datasourceUid: "-100"
68          model:
69            conditions:
70            - evaluator:
71                params:
72                - 1
73                type: lt
74              operator:
75                type: and
76              query:
77                params:
78                - C
79              reducer:
80                params: []
81                type: last
82              type: query
83            datasource:
84              type: __expr__
85              uid: "-100"
86            expression: B
87            hide: false
88            intervalMs: 1000
89            maxDataPoints: 43200
90            refId: C
91            type: threshold
92        updated: '2023-02-24T20:30:57Z'
93        noDataState: NoData
94        execErrState: Error
95        for: 1m
96        annotations:
97          description: Ping is inaccessible for {{ $labels.instance }}
98          summary: Ping is inaccessible for {{ $labels.instance }}